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Emblems of the Yugoslav Socialist Republics

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The emblems of the Yugoslav socialist republics were defined by each of its six constituent republics. Emblems appeared as a symbol of statehood on the documents of republican level, for example on the signs of the republican institutions, on watermarks of school diplomas, etc.

The emblems included old historical symbols where they could demonstrate historical compatibility with the new socialist political system – see Croatian and Serbian traditional emblem in the middle of their coats of arms; also Slovenian Mount Triglav was recognized as a symbol of Slovenian Liberation Front during the National Liberation War during World War II. Where the old symbols were deemed inappropriate (the traditional cross or eagle on the Serbian coat of arms, ethnic or religious coat of arms for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former traditionally monarchist symbol or the historical lion for Montenegro or the historical lion for Macedonia), prominent features or unofficial national symbols were added, e.g. Mount Lovćen for Montenegro, or a pair of chimneys for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The same with the federal Yugoslav emblem: all separate republican emblems featured a red star and wheat, or other important plants from that region.

While most republics adopted new official arms during the breakup of Yugoslavia, Serbia (as a constituent state of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) retained the emblem from the Yugoslav era until 2004. The present-day arm of North Macedonia is still near identical to the Yugoslav one.

The individual emblems of the six Yugoslav socialist republics were as follows:

Republic Emblem Author Republic-specific features Present-day coat of arms
Bosnia and Herzegovina Unknown Plants Conifer twig (left), Deciduous twig (right), two sheaves of wheat (lower middle portion)
Coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina
geographic features
Silhouette of Jajce
Industry two factory chimneys
Ornaments red ribbon
Croatia Antun Augustinčić
and Vanja Radauš[1]
Plants Wheat
Coat of arms of Croatia
geographic features
Adriatic Sea, rising sun
Industry Iron anvil
Ornaments Chequy
Macedonia Vasilije Popović–Cico [mk][2] Plants Garland of wheat, tobacco leaves and poppy buds
Emblem of North Macedonia
geographic features
River Vardar, Mount Korab, sunrise, sky
Ornaments ribbon with traditional Macedonian embroidery
Montenegro Milan Božović [hr][3]
and Milo Milunović[3]
Plants laurel wreath
Coat of arms of Montenegro
geographic features
Mount Lovćen,[4] Adriatic Sea
Ornaments Montenegrin[4] tricolour of Pan-Slavic colors
Serbia Đorđe Andrejević Kun Plant sheaf of wheat (left), sheaf of oak leaves with acorns (right)
Coat of arms of Serbia
geographic features
sunrise, sky
Industry cog-wheel
Ornaments red track (with inscriptions), Serbian traditional symbol
Slovenia Branko Simčič [sl] Plants wheat, leaves of linden
Coat of arms of Slovenia
geographic features
Triglav, sea[5]
Ornaments red ribbon

See also



  1. ^ Stuparić, Darko. Diplomati izvan protokola : ambasadori Titove Jugoslavije, Centar za kulturnu djelatnost Saveza socijalističke omladine Zagreba, Zagreb, 1978., p. 75.
  2. ^ Jonovski, Jovan. Coats of arms of Macedonia, Macedonian Herald, Electronic Version, heraldika.org.mk, No. 3, March 2009, p. 9.
  3. ^ a b Markuš, Jovan B. Grbovi, zastave i himne u istoriji Crne Gore (Библиотека Свети Петар Цетињски), "Svetigora" (Izdavačko-informativna ustanova Mitropolije Crnogorsko-primorske), Cetinje, 2007., p. 47-48., ISBN 978-86-7660-054-0
  4. ^ a b Excerpt from the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro (1963) in: Guć, Nedeljko. (ed.) Društveno-političko uređenje, pravosuđe, uprava, (Zbirke propisa I-IV), knj. 1, Prosveta, Beograd, 1967, p. 303.

    Члан 7.
    Грб Социјалистичке Републике Црне Горе представља поље окружено ловоровим вијенцем који је доље повезан црногорском заставом. Између врхова ловоровог вијенца је петокрака црвена звијезда, а у средини поља представљен је Ловћен. Позади Ловћена с неколико вијуга представљено је Јадранско море.

    — Guć, 1967, 303
  5. ^ 8. člen Ustave Socialistične republike Slovenije (1974)